london.. New York .. DC .. Delhi ..Paris .. Dhaka -will your city be next to cc?

Friday, February 15, 2008

I missed my daughter's 11th birthday in DC on Feb 14 to stage the most complex collaboration lunch I can ever imagine -earlier I had missed Christma to be in Dhaka as an interactive observer on open sourcing 08's resolution of microeconomics and

Feb 15 colaboration lunch guests:
*DR Yunus

*my 84 year old dad who learnt economics in his late teens from an Indian correspondence course whilst waiting to navigate raf planes out of Bangladeshi airports during world war 4

28 other londoners burning to meet Dr Yunus

the brains-colliding menu for the lunch an be downloaded at

our one hour lunch came after a heavy morning book launch schedule for yunus including a David Frost tv interview and that evening's london school of economics talk that received 2 standing ovations- transcript of that talk plus any future collaboration connections which alumni of our meeting share appear at


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