london.. New York .. DC .. Delhi ..Paris .. Dhaka -will your city be next to cc?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Collaboration Cafe alumni are also deeply interested in developing claboration tools - here are some we have been working on over the last 5 years

Meeting Processes
Collaboration Cafe 1 2
Forums 1 2

Commuinty Networking Micropublishing Hubs
eg world citizen guides with micro bursaries 1

Peer to Peer Dialogue Videos 1

Opinion Surveys 1 on Most Trusted Collaboration Entrepreneurs & WE's Data Clearing House

NetworksMaps - and transparent maths specifications
- trust map of deepest grassroots sources on communities in Africa
- on missing audits of exponential sustainability

Modular contributions to Free University
SMBAs and celebration of best in class open source
1000bookclubopen catalogues of social businesses
hi-trust branding processes 1 2
Schools community building activities including the "Social Action" range of practicesMindset breakthrough research and transcripts of urgent whys

1 let's put reality back over image - help us search for the 200 videos that you can use with peers to spread reality

some east coast sites to track:

new york The Hunger Project- cc alumni patrick Moore now (may 08) works as an associate at London office

dc may 08 : what's this about -reports most welcome at

dc may08 - must try and find conccections:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Breaking news the section of the guide on microcredit and MFIs became too big not to give it a mediu, to expoentialse with ; you can also see more of the topics that the first 100 collaboration cafes have been convened around at or search CC
Dr Yunus of Grameen and microcredit and Nobel peace 2006 is setting cities and citiens around the world an interesting challenge. If he is passing through your city would you be able to find 1000 people who all wanted to collaborate with each other as well as him in empowering a good global world instead of the bad one currently compoundingSynonyms for good are win-win-win, sustainable, empowering every community up, one where hi-trust people transparently win over low-trustSo 2 questions:if Yunus was passing through Africa cities, which do you think would produce the most collaborative impactsif you are a twin national - eg living in a rich city but with family roots back in Africa - how ready is your big rich city to represent Africa interests when Yunus hosts his Forum 1000 there.My friends are particularly working on London and New York as 2 test cities; partly because a London University student spent the summer interning in Dhaka on this project. One intercity collaboration idea is collaboration cafe - see those we have already hosted and tell us at if you want to replay one in your city or virtually

Another collaboration idea is can we produce a good global idea to heroes, their projects and networks for humanity. Why do people all over the world know the top 10 sporstmen for 50 different sports but not top 10s for different vital issues of human sustainability?

But the best truth about collaboration knowledge cities in the 5 years that I have been searching the peoples and communities that weave them is that if any city does a great job in turning round a beter Global with Yunus we can all learn from what it did and work out how to invite the 1000 most relevant citizens when Yunus passes your way.